i see slinky has been here already this is my mk4: this is my other car lol: :hmm: if you have a mk4 post a pic of it. im looking for ideas on what to do to mine. i want to make it nice and clean, no big bodykits. i also dont know all the parts for the mk4 outside of the uk and would like to see what is out there. thanks
Slightly off-topic, but does the "R" stand for "Restricted"? I have seen "L"s for people with learners' permits, but never an "R". Clarification would be greatly appreciated.
Nice Mk4... :toll: Well, if you're lookin' for parts for the Mk4/Mk5 you might take a look at this thread --> http://fiesta-tuning.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=32406 There are pics of some of the available parts for the Mk4/Mk5...
My Fiesta 1.7 Ghia Hey, beautiful Fiesta, my parts are set all to together. More pictures from my Fiesta
I thing he used a bumper from another car or a tuner and take it together with his original bumper ... just an idea, i don't know i hope you show it, if you made it yourself
Re: My Fiesta 1.7 Ghia Was ich dich schon die ganze Zeit fragen wollte, wo haste Front und Heck her? Selber gemacht?
su : mm nummerschild die front is hammergeil ,hat einer ne ahnung wo man die herbekommt ich finde solche fronts voll geil bei uns Hildesheim hat keiner nen fiesta der richtig geil getuned ist ausser nen mk3 is mir aber zu eckig :-D
das von sp00k sieht für mich nicht nach einem monsterface aus das was du hast und der dunkelblaue an den seiten mit cupwings