Hello, Does anyone have a carputer (computer in a car) in a MK6? I'm installing one now. I use the double DIN for installing a 7" TFT touchscreen. In the back, I have a VIA Epia M10000 Motherboard... Now, I'm still searching someone who can make a PCB for me. I want to make my own Power Supply. By this, I hope to find someone else with a carputer in an MK6. Foto's will be uploaded here in full-quality: http://users.pandora.be/stijn.stroobants/carputer/ Greetz, Stijn
Hello, at this moment I have a standard IDE hard disk (for testing) And It's working fine... For the car boot I've placed a simple MDF-plate with little feets. Now, Windows XP Professional is installed on my hard disk. I want to connect my PC to the OBD-unit but I have no idea how to do that. And then I'm searching a plugin that I can use to see the speed etc on my screen. I will make my own power supply called "Sproggy MK4" => www.mastero.tk I hope I will receive suggestions and ideas from other people. Greetz, Stijn
No other carputer- fanatics??? Here are some possibilities of a carputer: GPS (Global Positioning System) Playing DivX, DVD, MP3,... Wireless internet Bluetooth Webcam to capture your "races" (Integrated webcam in front- & Rear-bumpers Playing Games... All Windows-based programs. Radio/TV-tuner OBDII-integration etc... So you can do all you want with a carputer!!! Greetz, SkyFlyer
http://www.blaupunkt.de/7612001040_main.asp Kann ich das eigentlich ohne Aufwand in meinen Fiesta einbaun ? (Wenn ich mir so eine Blende mit 2 DIN schächten kauf) (Wolte kein extra Thread aufmachen und hoffe ich bin da richtig )